Experimental Composite Propellants Book

Price: $100.00
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Experimental Composite Propellants is the #1 reference for today's Research Rocketry enthusiasts.

Product ID ECP2
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EXPERIMENTAL COMPOSITE PROPELLANTS was a success right out of the gate when it was first published in the year 2000. It has become THE Bible for today's Research Rocketry enthusiasts. Written addressing both P-Banand HTPB based propellants it's content is more encompassing to all rocket propellants and the knowledge presented on the how's and why's is applicable to all solid propellant rocket motors in general. The second edition now has over 350 pages with over 80 figures and tables and color photos.

It compiles information from more than a dozen resources, digests it, and presents the text in a way no other popular publication has; specifically for the amateur rocket scientist.

EXPERIMENTAL COMPOSITE PROPELLANT covers both beginner and advanced topics, providing step-by-step selection of materials for Ammonium Perchlorate composite propellant, motor casing preparation, mixing, casting, testing, and evaluation of the finished product.

There are discussions of more advance topics intended to de-mystify the combustion process of a rocket motor, thoroughly explain the properties of applicable chemicals, explain the function of application-specific additives, how variables affect the polymerization process, to name a few of the highlights.

Content also includes a thorough list of web-based and hard-copy references and material suppliers, as well as appendices covering everything from selection of additives to a "Sermonette" explaining why making your own rocket motors WILL NOT likely save you money in the long run.

This book is written to help the entry-level rocket scientist successfully get off the ground, and for the Journeyman to advance his knowledge of this fairly narrow topic. Of course, the guidance of an experienced research rocketeer is still highly recommended for anyone interested in working with the materials and formulas contained therein.

We do NOT promote nor certify these activities as safe nor appropriate to all visitors to this WebSite. Information presented is for educational purposes only. We are not responsible for the purchaser's activities, conduct or participation in the use and pursuit of content presented.


  • Safety info
  • Motor operation, grain design, and the commonly used technical terms: area ratio, thrust coefficient, burn rate exponent, burn rate coefficient, etc.
  • Simple formulations based on AP/HTPB and AP/PBAN; just four ingredients can make a propellant as powerful as commercial ones
  • Simple propellant that does not require magnesium, aluminum, or burn rate catalyst
  • Density, burn rate coefficient and exponent, and delivered specific impulse results for four TESTED propellants
  • Simple procedures for hand-mixing and processing of propellant WITHOUT vacuum
  • Vacuum procedures for the advanced experimenter.
  • Design of small motors (HPR size).
  • Construction procedure for single-use static test motors and flight motors
  • Description of both commercial and homemade reloadable motors, including machining procedure for forward closures, nozzles, and casings
  • Igniter construction
  • Details on an electronic thrust stand for data collection from your motors
  • Directions for using PROPEP for propellant characterization.
  • An entire section on basic composite propellant chemistry, including explanation and cure calculations for both PBAN and HTPB polymers
  • Mixing and vacuum procedure for HTPB propellant.
  • Information on popular binders, curatives and additives; TDI, MDI, HDI, IPDI, DDI, R45, R20, DER331, plasticizers, cross-linking agents, cure catalysts, burn rate catalysts, thermic agents.
  • Description and use of an alternative, readily-available, lower-viscosity curative for PBAN
  • Results of PROPEP runs for the tested formulations
  • Annotated bibliography
  • A few opinionated essays by various individuals.

This is a must have book that brings together everything necessary to understand making rocket motors. Going through several other books on the subject will not bring understanding and clarity to this subject as fast and as easy.


Safety must always come first when making propellant and rocket motors. Please read our DISCLAIMER and understand that this material is for educational use only. We are not responsible for the actions of those persons reading this publication.

Also we ask if you do proceed with the activities this literature presents, do so with the knowledge that many many people - probably way smarter than you, have been injured or killed because of lackadaisical attitude and not following safe procedures.

Wear protective clothing, gloves and eye protection. Most of all do not create chemical dust and work in a well ventilated environment.

This safety page comes no where near the amount of emphasis that should be placed on Rocket Propellant and Rocket Motor Making. Read the book completely, and even then strive to far exceed all lecturing of Safety you will find presented.


No warranty of any sort is provided for, or is implied by, the information contained in this book. Although some effort has been made to verify the information, either by experiment and/or by literature search and/or by scientific appraisal, such verification is and was not always possible. Any and all persons who use the information that is presented in this book hereby assume all responsibility for the use and consequences of the use of that information.

Making rocket propellant, making rocket motors, and testing and using said motors are all potentially very dangerous activities and may be illegal in some locations. The individual who carries out these activities takes all responsibility for his/her actions. Those who use this book hereby acknowledge this, and all who use any information contained in this book do hold the author blameless and harmless for any and all actions by the use of this information. Furthermore, all who use the information contained in this book do hold the author blameless and harmless for any and all consequences of the actions of the user of this information. Purchase of, or acquisition of this book, or any part of it, hereby constitutes agreement with the terms of this disclaimer.

Information, procedure, and instruction presented in the book is strictly for knowledge distribution and educational use only. We do not condone or promote the pursuit of these activities as safe or appropriate for all readers.

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